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fantastic art, really pretty, zach's design is so unique and different in comparison to other VNs ive played in the past. loved his personality, his nuances throughout the game, choice of VA was perfect for his character, amazing job for a first game!

what fell short for me was that even though the MC & ML are exes, i can tell that they've shared a lot of memories & "missions" together and its been mentioned throughout, but there's a lot of telling, not showing. because the player is being told these things but not shown, sometimes i felt "left out" as there were things said without much context, like i was in the middle of someone else's save. i played the DLC afterwards and didn't feel like much was expanded :(

overall, for a free game and for your very first game, i thought this was great! although there can be some improvements, im not a game dev or anything, i just like gaming & writing in general. i can't wait for your future projects!


Thank you for your kind words! I'm genuinely surprised this game is making the rounds again!

To clarify a few things! This isn't my first game, but rather one I made for a game jam that only allowed for 1000 words and nothing more! :) I made this simply to be fun and silly. I know a lot of folks want more story but this was only meant to be a short contained scene as going over 1k words would mean I would've been disqualified from the game jam. 

The DLC is in a similar vein as well, as it was meant for a silly 3k word extra scene for my community to enjoy during valentines day! We kept the scope to a strict 3k as well, nothing more mainly due to our workloads.
It means a lot that so many folks want to know more about Zach, but unfortunately, he's more a character I use to get small scenes out rather one that I'll be using in a fleshed-out game. I don't recommend players going into this expecting a lot of lore or anything so I also made sure to put little notes about that where I could to tell folks that this is just a scene picked out of a story, not a full game with proper worldbuilding!

If you're looking for something with a lot more lore and story, I would recommend my other game "He's Just Away" in which I established  a full story and not just a self contained scene.

I might not be able to leave a comment on “Burned” because I’m on my phone but it was so fun! Short but great time! Give it a look!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this silly lil encounter! <3 

Game is short but had so much fun with it! Had to go play the Burned part right after!


Bruh the game is short and all but it did almost made me cry

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